When former Prime Minister, Tillman Thomas championed the good governance agenda and operated under the mantras of transparency and accountability, many good Grenadians, blind-sided by party loyalty, joined with Mitchell to make fun of him. Worse yet, some professed Christians laughed with Mitchell when Mr. Thomas declared himself a soldier for Christ.
In September 2011, the NDC administration secured the single largest ever project approval from the World Bank. Signed by Nazim Burke, then Finance Minister, on behalf of the Government of Grenada, some of the funds secured were applied to refurbish The Lance and Hubble Bridges, the Holy Cross R.C. and St. Patrick’s Anglican Primary Schools, the Cadorna and Hills View Homes for the elderly, the rock fall mitigation at Sendall’s Tunnel and River Road.
It is generally accepted in Grenada that the NDC in Government, takes decisions based on what is best for the country, even at the risk of subsequent electoral loss. This was the case in 1995, when, following the only true home grown structural adjustment program we have ever had, elections were held just as Grenada was poised for significant development. The NNP inherited this healthy economy. For political expediency, they recklessly squandered that opportunity and amassed a national debt of over $2bn that, together with hurricane Ivan, set the country back and so that further fiscal measures were required by 2005.
The NDC in Government always seeks to take decisions and actions that are in the best interests and benefit the people of Grenada in the long term. Good governance and propriety in office are hallmarks of which we are proud.