our past

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The National Democratic Youth Movement is a constituted arm of the National Democratic Congress, with the aim of mobilizing a dedicated and educated generation of young people in challenging times for their empowerment. It seeks to strengthen the capacity, talents, energy and creativity of all Grenadian youth while at the same time merging these attributes with the wisdom, knowledge and experience of the senior party leaders.

Past Political Leaders

Milestones & Successes

Returned Grenada to a position of Credit Worthiness

Under the leadership of Prime Ministers, Hon. Nicholas Braithwaite and Hon. George Brizan, the NDC led government was best known for returning the tri-island state to a credit-worthy position after being blacklisted by international financial organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. Both leaders are also remembered for achieving great success in revitalizing and strengthening the agricultural sector.

Under the leadership of Hon. Tillman Thomas, the nation had seen much progress in agricultural revitalization with significant increases in nutmeg and cocoa production. For the years 2010, 2011 and 2012 the agricultural output was 9.3%, 8.2% and 14.2% respectively. During this period, cocoa production exceeded pre-Ivan levels to over 1.5 million pounds while nutmeg production doubled to 2.2 million pounds. The Government placed great emphasis on value-added products, modernizing the agricultural sector and establishing structural and economic linkages to tourism and other sectors.

The Tillman Thomas led administration is also credited with the construction of a new vendor’s market and bus terminal in Grenville, St. Andrew; a new abattoir at Mirabeau, on the outskirts of Grenville; and a new state-of-the-art fishing complex in Gouyave, the Fishing Capital of Grenada. This complex is regarded by many onlookers as a catalyst for improving the lives of people who reside at the western side of the island.

The administration also created the Market Access and Rural Enterprise Development Programme (MAREP), a poverty-reduction program that benefited over 12,000 people with low or no incomes.

The Tillman Thomas led administration established Grenada’s own Internet Exchange Point, the first in the Caribbean. The Government also established twelve community access points in various villages around the country, facilitating broadband access to all. This resource was a great tool for the community members, particularly students who did not have access to internet service. With support of the Government of India, the Information Communications and Technology Centre of Excellence and Innovation (ICEI) was also established.

In addition, the national education system and free school books programme received significant praise. The administration provided scholarships to teachers across the tri-island state to pursue university degrees. This made a positive contribution to the education system as teachers were empowered to develop their aptitude. This experience demonstrated that it is possible to create equality in education in fulfillment of the party’s dream to provide a good public education for every child regardless of where they go to school or what kind of family system they come from

In a quest to clarify our maritime boundaries, Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas along with Prime Minister, Hon. Patrick Manning signed the treaty on the Delimination of Marine and Submarine areas. This treaty established the gateway for oil exploration in the waters surrounding Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

The Nicholas Braithwaite led administration secured US $20 million at 5.5% interest maximum for 15 years to develop the Financial Complex. This building is an important asset to the Grenadian community as it houses many Government offices.

With support from the Government of Australia and the United Arab Emirates, the 2008 NDC administration secured EC $21 million dollars towards the construction of the long awaited New Parliament Building.

The 2008 NDC administration passed the Domestic Violence Bill and enacted the Child Protection Adoption Bill. The Child Protection Authority was also established and a sexual assault protocol was approved.

In addition, the Government signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2010 and ensured that the Grenadian education system was responsive to the learning requirements of children with disabilities.

In 1992, the Levera National Park was established by the Nicholas Braithwaite led administration. The Levera National Project included the construction of the road from La Poterie junction to Bathway. This a natural treasure that is still cherished by Grenadians today.

The 2008 NDC administration continued their commitment to preserving our environment as the chair of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), a coalition of small island and low-lying coastal countries that share similar development challenges and concerns about the natural environment, especially their vulnerability to the adverse effects of global climate change.

The Hon. Nicholas Braithwaite and the Hon. Tillman Thomas led administration created a favourable environment for the construction of new hotels. The True Blue Bay Inn Resort (1991), extension of Spice Isle Inn (1991) and the Sandals La Source Grenada (2013) are just a few of the major projects that occurred while an NDC administration led the country.

The 2008 administration also invested in education and training for Grenadians who were interested in working in the tourism sector. This created a safe haven for job security and ensured that Grenadians were qualified to fill the new positions that accompanied those investments.

During the 2008 administration a national cultural policy was completed. Cultural studies was integrated into our educational curriculum. New cultural festivals, such as the Maroon and String Bands, were also established.

During their tenure, the Spicemas Corporation was established as a statutory body created by an act of parliament. The Corporation is responsible for promoting and organizing Grenada’s Carnival ‘Spicemas’ and all official Spicemas events.

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38th Annual Convention

Accelerating a transformed NDC



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Beausejour Playing Field


4:00 pm

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