The NDC Election Campaign has strengthened its legal enforcement team amidst significant ongoing inaccuracies on the final electoral list.

The Campaign has secured the services of legal election experts from the region for the fast-approaching June 23, 2022 election. The legal experts arrived in Grenada on Sunday, June 19 and will complement the NDC’s locally based legal team. This enhanced legal team is led by NDC’s Treasurer, Ms. Andrea St. Bernard, who is an attorney-of-law by profession. 

The NDC found this reinforcement prudent following countless inaccuracies spotted on the recently published final electoral list. Despite numerous legitimate objections raised by the NDC during the time prescribed by the constitution, the final list remains bloated and significantly suspect.

NDC raised several factual and legitimate objections and requested the removal of ineligible names from the electoral list. These include the names of Grenadians who have passed away over four years ago; people who are unknown in the villages, where it is verified that no such person lives; males who are registered as females; and many other valid objections. Moreover, hundreds of voters have not yet been issued their voter registration cards.

Only two (2) days before the elections, these legitimate objections accepted by the Parliamentary Elections Office (PEO) have not been corrected in the final list. 

Additionally, the NDC Election Campaign has received firsthand reports of ongoing efforts to disenfranchise citizens of their right to vote through voter intimidation, suppression, and other unsavory tactics. This is being conducted by misguided NNP field workers, who have been employed by the NNP team in order to steal the election.

The NDC Election Campaign has also informed international election observer organizations, which include the United Nations (UN), the Carter Foundation, and others, on its concerns and the dishonest attempts occurring on island only days away from elections.

The NDC continues to be vigilant and proactive on behalf of all Grenadian patriots, to ensure a free and fair General Election. The NDC calls on all law-abiding citizens to be vigilant over the next few days and to help ensure that the General Election is fair and free from fear, intimidation and dishonesty on June 23, 2022.

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